Monday, April 29, 2013

Austin, TX

Total Miles Driven: 3518 miles

After playing Paa-Ko Ridge Golf Club (#34 in Golf Digest Top 100 Public) in Albuquerque last Thursday, I set out on the long drive to Austin early Friday morning. It was an 680 mile, 11 hour drive through a combination of highways and local roads. I had originally planned to stop in Lubbock to play the Rawls Course at Texas Tech but then I realized two things. First - It's Lubbock and Second - I refuse to give Texas Tech any of my money since I'm a died hard Longhorn fan :)

The drive was pretty long but it's good to be back in Texas, especially driving into Texas instead of always flying in. It does feel surreal to drive in because I can still remember driving out of the state when I moved to California almost 9 years ago. Before I left on my trip, I had purchased a radar detector since I knew I had a lot of windshield time in front of me. Lucky I did because that thing probably saved me 4 tickets on this drive alone!

I arrived at my friends Chris and Katie's house at around 6:30pm and it's good to see familiar faces. Their place is like a de-facto second residence for me whenever I'm in Austin and I love playing with their 2 kids, Will and Ellie. We hung around the house Friday night and on Saturday we went to their friends house for a little get together so the kids can have a play date. Of course, during these get togethers a lot of beer, wine, and liquor are consumed so we always end up doing some pretty stupid things. After about 4 drinks, Chris and I had the bright idea to go throw the football around in the backyard. As we started throwing, we started taunting each other about how of shape we were and how poorly we threw. Of course this spurred us to start throwing the ball harder at each other aiming for each other's face or groin area (that makes you learn to catch the ball real quick.) Oh, but we're not done there. We decided to get a tennis ball and decided to throw it simultaneously at each other just to make the game a lot harder. The transpired for about an hour and we haven't laughed like that in a long time. I guess boys will never grow up and do stupid things when they are around their friends.

The next morning was rough...sore arms from throwing the football, sore head from the massive amount of alcohol we consumed, and sore ego from being old and not able to recover like we did in our 20's. After eating 3 breakfast tacos and 2 Gatorades to cure the hangover, we went out to Avery Ranch Golf Club to meet up with the friends from night before for golf. Chris and I hadn't played Avery Ranch in about 10 years and had forgotten how nice it was. It was one of the courses we use to play on a regular basis. Chris had reminded me of the time I tumbled out of the golf cart rolling on the cart path10 years ago after having too much beers on the course. Thanks for reminding me I wasn't Superman back then, Chris :)

I started the round okay but kinda fell apart on the 5th hole and shot a 92 for the round. Chris of course shot a 79 after not playing for 4 months and he made me keep the scorecard so I can post the score for everyone to see. Classic move, but I probably would have done the same thing to him :)

Here are the pictures from Paa-Ko Ridge and the scorecard from Avery Ranch. Enjoy!

Paa-Ko Ridge

Paa-Ko Ridge

Paa-Ko Ridge

Paa-Ko Ridge

Paa-Ko Ridge

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